August 20th, 2024
This is the main banner image. It shows a woman who we personified for the brand. It also have high level messaging that reads "An artist, a scholar, an enthusiast"

Branding in an oversaturated world

How to Stand Out, What to Invest In, and Navigating the Future


Alright, listen up. It’s 2024, and things are feeling a bit different. Everyone I talk to has this weird, jittery excitement, like we’re all on the verge of something big. We’re handling media and news better, clinging to what’s real, forming communities like we’re preparing for some post-apocalyptic party. It’s a strange mix of diving headfirst into AI while also yearning to unplug and smell the roses. It’s like we’re tired of the digital onslaught and want to get back to the real deal.

So, here I am, writing this article titled “Branding in an Oversaturated World: How to Stand Out, What to Invest In, and Navigating the Future.” Why? Because after years of tackling strategy and branding, it’s time to spill the beans on what’s going on and what you can do about it. Let’s get into it.

1. Understanding the Oversaturation of the Market

Look around. The market is more crowded than a New York subway at rush hour. Our population’s booming, tech is on steroids, and competition is multiplying like rabbits. Those cushy corporate jobs? Yeah, good luck with that. Hundreds of applications per job. It’s a madhouse.

Maybe you’re in startup land, hustling solo, or with a small team. Or perhaps you’ve got a competitor who’s suddenly spruced up their lawn. Feels like the market’s drowning in choices, but really, you’re just feeling the heat. Time to figure out what makes you different.

2. Removing the Bullsh*t Veil that is “Differentiation”

What Makes You Different?

Let’s cut the crap. Differentiation isn’t some mystical secret. It’s you. Your quirks, your story, your weird way of seeing the world. If some so-called expert tells you otherwise, they’re full of it. What sets your business apart is your own brand of crazy.

Essential Tools in Your Differentiation Toolbox‍

• Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Your hook to reel people in.
• Compelling Storytelling Techniques: Spill your guts—on stage, in your pitch, through your customers.
• Strong Visual Aids: Your visual identity, the look that screams “you.”

Put Yourself in Your Customer’s Shoes

Here’s how to get in the head of your customers and build your differentiation strategy based on your industry:

CPG : Think about snacks. Don’t just say, “I’m gonna buy chips.” No, say, “I’m hungry, I want a snack.” See the difference? It’s broader. Now you’re thinking about displays, shelf space, foot traffic—all the stuff that gets people to grab your chips.

Hospitality : Consider choosing a hotel. Don’t just think, “I need a cool place to stay.” Instead, think, “I want a memorable travel experience.” This change in perspective broadens your focus to include a specific ambiance, service quality, unique amenities, and nearby attractions—all the factors that make guests prefer your hotel over the competition.

Education : Consider selecting a university. Don’t just think, “I need to get a degree from an excellent school.” Instead, think, “I want a transformative educational experience.” This change in perspective broadens your focus to include honing in on campus culture, academic quality, extracurricular opportunities, and career support services—all the factors that make students choose your institution over others.

Startups/New Entrepreneurs : Consider launching a social enterprise. Don’t just think, “I want to start a business.” Instead, think, “I want to create meaningful change.” This shift in perspective broadens your focus to include community impact, sustainability, ethical practices, and stakeholder engagement—all the elements that draw people to support and invest in your mission-driven initiative.

Artists/Designers : Think about creating art or design. Don’t just think, “I want to make something beautiful.” Instead, think, “I want to evoke emotion and tell a story.” This broader perspective includes the use of innovative techniques, the choice of materials, the context of the artwork, and how it connects with the audience—all the elements that make your work stand out and resonate deeply with viewers.

Action Steps :

• Nail down what makes you unique.
• Match your uniqueness with market research.
• Weave consumer behavior into your strategy.

3. Embracing Future Trends: AI, Robotics, and the Gig Economy

AI and Robotics:

AI isn’t going anywhere. Personalized marketing, virtual assistants, and predictive analytics are already transforming industries. AI has also improved language translation, enhancing communication across languages and cultures seamlessly. Robotics makes factories run smoother, increasing production efficiency and cutting costs significantly.

In the CPG industry, AI optimizes production and marketing, while robotics boosts efficiency. The hospitality industry uses AI for customer service and robotics to enhance guest experiences. Higher education benefits from AI through personalized learning experiences, automated grading, and administrative efficiency. Startups leverage AI for scaling operations and robotics for automating logistics. Artists and designers are also utilizing AI to generate concepts, automate repetitive tasks, and explore new styles and techniques. Embracing these technologies is crucial for staying competitive and efficient. *Hot tip: These tools are assistants, not solutions, so knowing when to use them is critical.

The Gig Economy:

People are ditching the 9-to-5 grind for freelance gigs. Flexibility, autonomy, and a bunch of side hustles. If you’re in this boat, your personal brand is your lifeline.

Action Steps :

• Get cozy with AI and robotics; it's here to stay.
• Use AI for smarter, more straightforward marketing and customer service tasks.
• Build a killer personal brand if you're freelancing.

‍‍4. Toolkit and Timeline for Investment

Early Stages :

• Market Research: Know your market, inside and out.
• Branding Essentials: Logo, website, social media—get it done.
• Content Creation: Start sharing your story and what you stand for.

Growth Stages :

• Professional Services: Time to call in the pros for design and marketing.
• Expanding Brand Presence: Advertise, partner up, make some noise.
• Customer Experience Enhancements: Make sure your customers are loving every interaction.

Established Stages :

• Brand Diversification: New products, new services—keep it fresh.
• Advanced Analytics: Use data to fine-tune your strategies.
• Community Building: Create loyalty programs and engage!


So, there you have it. The market’s a zoo, and standing out is crucial. Embrace AI and robotics, get your differentiation on point, and know when and where to invest. In this chaotic landscape, a strong brand and clear identity are your best bets.

What's Next?

Alright, it's your turn. If you’d like to get a jump start on your differentiation, we’ve included a downloadable strategy sheet that will help you get started:

Downloadable Strategy Sheet

Share your thoughts and experience with us! And hey, if you need help, check out our branding services. Let’s navigate this oversaturated world together.